The power and strength of the Lord is exceeding awesome, and humans have no problem seeing power during a severe thunderstorm. God is more powerful than all the forces of nature that may overwhelm humans, like chaotic seas and floods, mountains and deserts, huge trees and animals. Jesus on earth also showed his power over scary forces.
It is the Voice of God, likened to thunder seven times, that has this awesome power. Our Lord Jesus would simply need to “speak a word” and everything will be peaceful and calm. The Lord’s sheep can have utter confidence in the Power of His Word to overcome and quiet the enemies of sin, death, and the devil that rage against the soul.
Praise the Voice of God and trust God’s Word. The terrible thunder of His Voice may come like a “still, small voice” or an inaudible whisper, but the Word of God has the same incredible power that is experienced in a nearby clap of thunder. Ask Jesus to speak a word when you need it. He will give strength to His people so He can bless them with peace.