Psalm 85: God Revives and Speaks Shalom

God is good: He answers prayer, abundantly, extravagantly, beyond our asking or imagining. We ask Him to revive us again and show us mercy and salvation. He answers with Shalom, which means wellbeing, health, security, prosperity, a good life and everything good, and peace to boot.

One of the terrible consequences of the Enemy Sin is that God hates Sin and it makes Him angry with us. We return to Him in repentance and faith, He forgives and covers our sin, and ceases His anger toward us. Now we pray for new life and He answers in spades.

God sends His faithful, covenant Love (Jesus) and His Righteousness (Jesus) to earth. Holiness and Love, Justice and Mercy meet at the Cross. This Gospel produces a faithful response (by the Spirit) and the result is Peace, in all its fullness. Because of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ God’s righteousness paves the way (makes a path) for the Life and Peace and Presence of God to enter the spirit of the believer, overcome the Enemy, make a difference, and change life forever. All this is in answer to prayer. Is God good or what?