We need the Shepherd, the God of War, to restore the soul again to its former state of peace, security and abundant blessing. “Turn us again:” cause us to repent and turn to our Lord in prayer and faith. “Cause your face to shine:” smile on us with favor and blessing and your loving presence. “Save us:” restore us again by routing the enemy.
The believer looks back to the Christ Event of Redemption, just as the OT believer looked back to the Exodus Event of Redemption: the Shepherd and God of War took a vine from the Enemy and transplanted it in the Promised Land to grow and prosper. But now, because of Sin, He has allowed the hedge of protection to break down and the enemies have come into the vineyard to trample and devour.
In answer to repentance, prayer and faith the Lord’s shining face shows up to cause the enemy to perish at His rebuke. He turns His shining Face to us and gives us life and we are restored again. We will not turn back and will call on His Name.