The Lord God is worthy of praise by all Creation for who he is; He is also worthy of the praise of His people because of what he has done; praise Him for His wonderful works.
Who He is: gracious and merciful and full of compassion, abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness. What He has done: delivered his people in the Exodus, protected and provided for them in the wilderness, given them his Covenant at Sinai, given the Promised Land by overcoming the enemies.
All His wonderful works are studied and meditated upon so that we praise God more and so that we are motivated and enabled to keep his laws better; for when we praise Him and keep His commandments our lives will be wiser and better.
All God’s wonderful works were done when the Son said, “It is finished!” Finished means done, accomplished, completed, worked out in full. What Jesus did: earned complete forgiveness of sins, defeated the Enemy, granted God’s righteousness, gave eternal life, overcame Death, opened Paradise, offered a continued life of love and peace and joy today, and gave many more blessings. Truly the wonderful works of Jesus are worthy of praise.