There is no help and no hope for any man or woman from any source or under any condition; there is only one place to turn for help and hope, and that is to God. God must be merciful because there is no place else to turn. God will be merciful and hear our prayer and save us because he made a covenant promise, and He is faithful to do what he said.
I may feel like I am in or near death, but the Lord will deliver me; I may feel overwhelmed by spiritual enemies, but the Lord will destroy them; I may feel like I am in despair with no visible hope, but the Lord will lift me up out of trouble.
The Lord’s commitment to the covenant is the only basis of the appeal for aid. And the only way the covenant can be sustained is by the continual forgiveness from God. The Lord must be, and He will be, true to His Word and promise in the covenant for His name’s sake and His righteousness’ sake. If the OT believer could be certain of this, so much more can the NT believer hope in God.