Psalm 146: Trust in The Helper alone

Even though most believers basically know and fundamentally profess that trust in God alone is the only way, it is tempting to look for help to the things we can see before turning to God whom we cannot see. When we need help we tend to turn to the Lord last instead of first.

God will use humans in most instances as the instruments through which He brings the help we need, and when we see the providential hand of God behind the human help we will believe Him first and trust Him more. “While I live will I Praise the Lord.”

God helps, saves, rescues, restores and gives life and hope to the weak, the vulnerable and the helpless. Look at the list: oppressed, hungry, prisoners, blind, bowed down, righteous, strangers, fatherless and widow. The “righteous” are included in that list because they have accepted the risk of dependence. They put their trust on God alone and have given up on their own strength and invincibility, their own self-righteous understanding, and their own independent do-it-myself spirit.

Only God can make us righteous, and God loves the righteous. And God helps the helpless, the best position from which to pray.