Promise 90: Dwell and be Fed

  1. Be fed

 Psalm 37:3

Trust in the Lord, and do good;

So shalt thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed.

 Believers who are faithful to the covenant have the promise of dwelling in the land and being fed. For NT believers this promise means that they can be sure of living and remaining in the Kingdom of God, both the spiritual kingdom on earth and the eternal kingdom in heaven, and that they will be cared for and nourished for strong living in the kingdom of God. They will be strengthened in their faith and hope for peaceful and joyful dwelling in this life and the next.

The NT believer lives in two worlds all the time at the same time: in one he walks by sight and in the other he walks by faith. We do not have a promise that we shall dwell in the land called the world and in the kingdoms of the world. In fact, just the opposite: in that world we will die, and from that world we will be torn asunder. We may be removed from that world or that world will be removed from us in the End. Either way, the world has the sentence of death upon it and the believer shall definitely be separated from it sooner (by growing in faith) or later (at the Last Day). But the Promise to “Dwell in the Land” is for living and enjoying God’s Life in the Spiritual Kingdom in which we walk by faith. This is where we shall live, and by the way, live forever. That inheritance is imperishable kept in heaven for you. For now, the Holy Spirit is keeping “The Land” in our hearts by faith. The believer enjoys this promise by turning to Jesus, walking by faith, and seeking the things that are above.

God has given promises of having enough physical bread not to starve to death, but the essential meaning of the promise is that He will always feed us with the spiritual bread for life and sustenance to stay alive and walk strongly in that spiritual world, where the spiritual life of God breathes and pulses in our spirit and affects our soul.

God loves to, and He promises to, make you dwell peacefully and be fed healthily. Let Him.