Promise 116: Not Moved

  1. Not moved

 Psalm 55:22b

He shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.

 We who believe in Jesus Christ are the righteous, and the promise for believers like us is that we will never be moved. Spiritually, when the enemy comes in like a flood I shall not be moved; the three spiritual enemies cannot move me from a solid stance of conviction and strength; come hell or high water I am still standing on the promises of God and cannot be moved from that firm foundation.

 Satan tries daily to shake my faith and weaken my position in Christ with doubts, fears, worries and anxieties using all kinds of lies and temptations and reminders of my sins and shortcomings. Jesus is my Rock and He will not let me be tempted to get off the rock and try to swim through the muck of the world on my own.

The enemies of my soul cannot move me from the solid rock on which I stand by force or coercion because nothing can move any human against his will; the enemies cannot tempt me to move by persuasion or motivation, try as they might with empty promises, subtle lies and alluring temptations. I cannot stop the strong floods or the subtle winds, but I do not have to be moved by them; I have the Lord’s promise that I shall not be moved. These words can be spoken to Sin, Death, and Satan: “I have a promise that God will not let me be moved. Do your darnedest; I’m not moving.”