Promise 117: Turn Back Enemies

  1. NTurn back enemies

 Psalm 56:9

When I cry unto thee, then shall mine enemies turn back:

This I know; for God is for me.

 If I pray for salvation and deliverance from and help and victory over my enemies, then God will turn my enemies back. I know this and I can rest confidently assured of this promise because God is for me. God is for me and against my enemies; God wants to give me life and the enemies want to take it away. Since I know who is on my side fighting for me I will pray and ask His help when the enemy attacks.

How do I know when to cry unto the Lord and ask Him to turn my enemies back? I know that sin, death, and the devil are trying to attack and steal and destroy when things aren’t going smoothly and well: emotions, relationships, finances, health or sense of wellbeing is in some kind of dysfunction or disruption. Sin is crouching at the door and the devil is seeking to devour. Then it is time to pray and see my enemies turning back, slinking away, defeated once again by the mercy of God and the blood of Jesus Christ.

I know I have this promise of victory because I know God is for me. I know God is for me because I see Him dying for me on the cross. The Holy Spirit has convinced me by the Gospel. He assures this Promise of God to my heart: I know; therefore I pray. We simply need to recognize the enemy and remember God’s promise in order to cry out. Romans 8:31, “If God is for us, who can be against us?”