Promise of Jesus 6: Inherit the Earth

  1. Inherit the Earth

 Matthew 5:5

Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.

 The meek are those who are humble enough to admit their weakness and need; they acknowledge their sin and need for forgiveness; they are not going to assert themselves over others but submit to God and let Him be God. In short, the meek believe God, and they look to Him in every time of trouble and need. They are willing to lose their lives for the sake of the Gospel and so save it for eternal life. The promise is unconditional and it is meant for all people: but the proud and self-righteous cannot empty themselves to receive the filling of the promise.

The earth has been taken over by Sin and Satan and Death and the earth itself has become subject to bondage because of human sin. All Creation waits with eager longing for the revealing of the sons of God; it hopes that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage. And it will be redeemed along with the redemption of the bodies of the believers. But like us, it must first go through a death and a resurrection and become a new thing. Jesus’ resurrection guarantees it: the heavens and the earth that now is will melt away with a fervent heat and be replaced with a new heaven and a new earth. This restored, renewed, recreated earth is the earth that the meek shall inherit. The new heaven and new earth becomes ours by inheritance and we get to rule it, live in it, and enjoy it forever under God in His glorious, loving eternal presence.

This eternal inheritance is reserved for us and the guarantee of it is the indwelling Holy Spirit. The good news is that the earth we inherit will not be this corrupted and decaying earth but the new and eternal earth.