Promise thru Paul 219: Boldness and Access

219. Boldness and Access

Ephesians 3:12 In whom we have boldness and access with confidence by the faith of him.

We don’t have to act bold; we already have boldness and access; it is a promise given to believers as the children of God. We do not really have to be bold to ask our earthly father and mother for something; we just use the boldness we already have to make a request. How much more when we approach the perfect heavenly Father! In prayer we simply use the boldness and access we have been given. We are confident in approaching our heavenly Father.

Luther says in the meaning of “Our Father who art in heaven:” “…with all boldness and confidence we may ask Him as dear children ask their dear father.”  Jesus instructed us to “pray this way” so that we might be greatly encouraged to believe His promise to hear our prayers and meet our needs. We need to know it is the good and gracious will of our Father to do so. Not only has our loving Father promised to hear us, but He is also longing the hear us; He just loves to hear us talk to Him. Even if we pray with selfish whining and begging He loves us so much He just wants to develop His relationship with us. 

The faith of Jesus gives us confidence to approach God with boldness and access. Boldness is the stance we take in our approach to God. What may appear bold to us in regard to our petitions will not appear bold to the Lord at all. The Lord seems to encourage us to ask for big things; we do not ask in presumption but in simple faith. We are bold to ask because God is not only big, bigger than our problems, but God is also lovingand kind, kinder than our expectations. We come to God in prayer with the attitude of faith that knows God is loving (our Father) and big (in heaven).

It is not only in prayer that we have boldness and access with confidence, but it is also generally in everyday life that we live like we have boldness and access. We know down deep and on the surface that Jesus is with us as the Good Shepherd even when we don’t give voice to the needs of the day. He already knows our needs and graciously provides, but He still wants us to approach Him and talk to Him. We can be bold about anything because He will not turn us away; but the Lord receives us and deliberates about the request whether it is good for us and gives glory to God. Be bold to use the boldness God gave.