298. Wise unto Salvation
2 Timothy 3:15 And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.
The inspired writings of God promise to make one wise unto salvation; and they are able to do so. The Scriptures point to Jesus Christ, and He is one who saves. When one hears the Gospel the Holy Spirit creates faith in the heart. The purpose and the result of actively using the Word of God is wisdom for salvation, for faith comes by hearing the word of Christ.
True wisdom is knowing how to be saved, or, more accurately, knowing the One who saves us. Knowing how to be saved is a tricky thing, and it does not come naturally: it does not come by being good, it does not come by doing the right things, it does not come by being religious, it does not come by saying the right prayers, it does not come by sincere repentance, it does not come by stronger faith, and finally knowing how to be saved does not come by anything that we do whatsoever. God must reveal it to us; and what He reveals is that God, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit is the One who does it all. Salvation is all God’s idea, God’s work, and God’s gift. Wisdom knows that.
The Holy Spirit uses the Holy Scriptures to reveal Christ and bring us to faith in Him alone for salvation. This is the wisdom that even a child knows and believes, and so is saved. True wisdom knows to cast aside everything that is of self and trust 100% in Jesus Christ. In some ways, this may be one of the hardest things for the Christian to remember: God does it all for my salvation; I do nothing. For this reason this promise is important; for this reason knowing the Holy Scriptures is important; for this reason hearing the Gospel daily is important.
I will always be tempted to take matters into my own hands, even to help with salvation. Being “wise unto salvation,” however, puts everything into the hands of the Savior and trusts Him to save to the uttermost.