Promise thru Paul 347: Confidence has Reward

347. Confidence has Reward

Hebrews 10:35, 36 Cast not away therefore your confidence, which hath great recompense of reward. For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise.

We have confidence as believers in Jesus Christ, confidence of life after death, confidence of life during this life, confidence of forgiveness of sins, confidence of acceptance with God, confidence of entrance into God’s Presence, confidence of having the ear of the Lord, confidence in the reception of all the promises of God. This confidence has a great reward, reward that is worth having the patience to wait for it.

We need patience because we do not yet see the reward still coming, and we do not experience the rewards that are already ours. Sometimes we need faith to see the impossible. It is there, but it is hard to believe. After you have done the will of God you will receive the promise. “Doing the will of God” = believing in Christ. Hang on to Christ by faith through a whole life long until the end of life, knowing with confidence that you will surely receive the reward.The promise is true; the reward is coming; it is worth waiting for; so be patient.

Therefore, do not throw away your confidence. Confidence and faith is a gift from God. Keep it, cherish it, nourish it, don’t throw it away or let go of it. Practically, this means for us that we must not take it for granted that we are saved, forgiven, and enjoy eternal life. Don’t put your confidence and faith on the shelf, ignore it, and just hope it will be there when you need it or on the day of crisis. This means we can and should pay attention to our confidence by thanking and praising God often with sincere gusto, by listening to the Word of God, by hearing the Gospel with faith every day, by being more aware of the love and presence of God during the day. “Not throwing it away” also means using it often. Remember that we have confidence when things are going well and especially when things are going ill. Keep your confidence active and alive, and use it.