348. Live by Faith
Hebrews 10:38 Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him.
We are just by faith; we are justified by faith; we live by faith. This is the promise: faith makes us alive; faith justifies us; faith makes us just, right with God; faith receive the righteousness of God. Faith has reward and promise, but faith itself is a gift of God, not something we work up by ourselves. Faith is not something we do, but faith is something God does in us.
He died for us; He shares that message through the Gospel; the Holy Spirit uses the Gospel to bring us to faith in Christ. It is all God’s doing from beginning to end. Salvation belongs to the Lord. Our humble response is thanks and praise, loving God and serving others. We are just; as just people we live by faith. Faith receives the promise of a just and righteous life: it is God’s very life that He shares with us. The promise is fulfilled while we live by faith, not by sight. We organize our lives, make plans, decide things, and do them by faith, for therein is our life.
We also plan and organize our lives according to what I think is good for me, since my selfish nature is in rebellion to God’s life and will and way. But it takes a while to learn in the school of experience that that way is not life; there is always something missing, and often something destructive of real life.
Both of these organizing principles guide and direct the Christian’s life. These opposing principles of living are in conflict with each other every day. This spiritual warfare is continually active, pulling us one way and another. The Gospel helps us focus on the life of God, the will of God, and the way of God. In this way the just live by faith. Faith trusts all the promises and life is rich and full.
Drawing back from living by faith is living by self. The Lord has no pleasure in such a person. That goes without saying. God is not pleased with our own selfish flesh life, but he is pleased with His Son, Jesus Christ, and with those who believe in Him.