Promise in the Prophets 216: Saved and Dwell Safely

216. Saved and Dwell Safely

Jeremiah 23:6 In his days Judah shall be saved, and Israel shall dwell safely: and this is his name whereby he shall be called, THE LORD OUR RIGHTEOUSNESS.

“In his days” means the Messianic Age, all the days after Jesus came to earth. Judah and Israel signifies the Church of all believers in Christ. The promise refers to Jesus and the invisible Church: we will be saved (by Christ), and we will dwell safely (from sin and every evil).The cause of our salvation and dwelling safely is that the Messiah’s name is “The Lord our Righteousness.”

The name of our Savior is: 1) The Lord= Yahweh, which means, “I am that I am.” He is the Eternal One, ever existing, always there, Creator and Finisher, the only God, and everything that we think God is and much more than we can even think or imagine. Jesus is The I Am. Jesus is Yahweh. Jesus is Lord. God gave Him The Name and this name He gives to us who believe. The baptized carry the name of Yahweh (Jesus) on then, in them, and with them. All who believe in His Name He gave the authority to become children of God. 2) Our= us, the believers. The righteousness of God belongs to us; we own it, even though it is alien to us and outside of us. By faith we can truthfully say, “I am righteous.” 3) Righteousness= holiness, perfection, everything good and right, loving, kind, obedient and faithful. Negatively, it means the complete absence of sin and evil. It should be overwhelmingly amazing and tremendously awesome to us that God’s righteousness is ours, through Christ.

If we are righteous, which we are if we believe, then we are saved from all sin, evil, and enemies of the soul; then we rest comfortably because we dwell safely in the Kingdom of God. We have no fears, doubts, worries or anxieties. We are safe and secure forever in His hands by His name. We are delivered from evil. A wall of protection surrounds us. Sure, troubles, pains, woes, difficulties, problems and sorrows will always be a part of mortal life, but nothing can separate us from the love of Christ or the life of God, ever. Because of The Lord our Righteousness we are saved and we dwell safely.