276. Deliver His People
Ezekiel 13:23 Therefore ye shall see no more vanity, nor divine divinations: for I will deliver my people out of your hand: and ye shall know that I am the Lord.
God promises to deliver us from evil. This is big; and this promise is wide-ranging. It includes evil of all kinds. Evil is anything and everything that is separated from God, and subsequently opposed to God and an enemy of God (and of us). We pray, “Deliver us from evil, or The Evil One.” Satan is personified evil and the source of all evil; he brought sin; sin brought death. All of this is evil, and from this God, through His Son, delivers us. Deliverance is the Lord’s promise, and so we can confidently pray for it.
The specific evil in this context that the Lord promises to deliver us from is mentioned in verse 22: false teaching, that is, false prophets and false teachers. They lie and make the righteous sad; they strengthen the wicked by promising life without the need to repent or return from his wicked way. Lies and false promises destroy people all the time. We need deliverance from this evil, for it is all around us in the world and also in us, in our deceitful-above-all-things heart. Satan is the father of lies, but he uses the world and the flesh.
False teaching comes at us in many forms and disguises and even from well-meaning people. We are not wise enough, discerning enough, nor strong enough to perceive the lie by ourselves. But God has given us the Truth of Christ, and this truth is in the Word of God. And He gives the Spirit to properly understand and believe the Word of Truth. In this way, the Lord delivers us from The Lie.
The liars make the heart of the believer sad by questioning, “Hath God said?” We may avoid the lies with the teaching of the Spirit who uses the Gospel. “Thy Word is Truth,” and, “The Truth will make you free.” According to v. 22 of Ezekiel 13, the Lie is the cause of sadness in the righteous believer. If you are sad, you may ask yourself, “Am I believing the lie or the truth?” The first truth is “I am a sinner,” so I repent; the second truth is “I am forgiven,” so I believe the gospel. The liars promise the sinner life without the need for repentance and faith, thereby strengthening him in his sin and wickedness. Thus liars keep the sinner from repentance, and they keep the righteous from believing. But God says, “I will deliver you from the evil liars and you will know that I am the Lord.” Jesus is the Truth, and the Deliverer.