Promise in the Prophets 360: Satisfied

360. Satisfied

Joel 2:19 Yea, the Lord will answer and say unto his people, behold, I will send you corn, and wine, and oil, and ye shall be satisfied therewith: and I will no more make you a reproach among the heathen.

Corn, wine, and oil are common terms that are symbolic of fertility and abundance. Spiritual life is promised to come with great fertility, growth, greenery and abundance when the Messiah comes. The kingdom has come with Jesus’ appearance on the earth. Jesus pictures spiritual abundance in several miracles and parables during His earthly ministry. When Jesus begins His ministry, the Kingdom of God has come. When disciples follow and believe Jesus, the kingdom comes to them. When we repent and believe the gospel, the kingdom comes to us. When we are born again, we enter the kingdom. The Lord wants us to know that great grace and riches come to us when we come into the kingdom of God. We are so blinded by sin that we cannot really comprehend the spiritual riches we have been given.

We pray for insight (faith to see) the awesome riches of His glory in Christ Jesus. Paul prays for us to comprehend the depths of Jesus’ love. Jesus commands us to pray, “Thy kingdom come.” We petition the Father to bring His kingdom to us, place it in us, and make it evident among us. Life is much different and so much better when the kingdom comes among us. Winning the lottery or becoming very rich cannot come close to matching the spiritual riches we have access to in Christ. Kingdom riches are extravagant and continually overflowing. They say we only use a small percentage of our brain; it is also true that we use and enjoy a small percentage of the spiritual riches of the Kingdom. But even though we don’t appropriate all that God gives, the promise is still true: “ye shall be satisfied therewith.” In Christ we are always satisfied; at least we can be. We become dissatisfied with our lives when we look for satisfaction in the wrong places. Do not seek the bread that perishes, but the bread of everlasting life that Jesus gives freely. When we look for the right thing in the right place from the right person we will be satisfied. All the money in the world cannot buy that. But we have it. Satisfaction guaranteed.