167. Give the Land to the Seed
Deuteronomy 34:4 And the Lord said unto him, This is the land which I swore unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob, saying, I will give it unto thy seed: I have caused thee to see it with thine eyes, but thou shall not go over thither.
If the Land is the Kingdom and if the Seed is the Messiah, then the promise is that the Kingdom of God is given to Jesus Christ. And if Christ has the kingdom then we have it also for by faith we are in the Seed, who is Christ. Therefore the promise is for us believers. We have been promised the Kingdom, and indeed this is the Promise of the Bible. Jesus announces the Kingdom, He is the Kingdom, He earns it for us, and God gives it to us.
This kingdom is in the hearts of Christians; there, in our hearts, God dwells forever and reigns over all things for our eternal good. This promise of Land (Kingdom) and Seed (Christ) runs through the pages of Scripture, with different metaphors and word pictures, that it cannot be missed. But we miss it. So often we don’t fully appreciate what a wonderful and powerful promise this is and what it means for us, because we are too prone to look at life with the fleshly mind and the bodily senses. Therefore, we don’t always see it. But when the Spirit unveils the human spirit to see with the eyes of faith through the hearing of the Gospel of Christ we see it by faith. Faith comes by hearing the word of Christ.
It is for this reason that the Word of God, with its revelation of Christ and His Gospel, is so important for us. Yet we are tempted to lightly regard the weekly hearing of the Gospel. But once the light is turned on and the truth brilliantly impacts the heart we are eager to attend a Gospel-proclaiming church without fail. God the Father wants you and I to see the Land and the Seed (the Kingdom and the Christ), so He sends the Holy Spirit to reveal the Word to the heart and thereby grants the faith to see them.
Now we believe the Promise: we live day in and day out in the glorious kingdom under Christ the glorious King. When that vision becomes real by faith in the Good News all kinds of good things come to us and the bad things are kept away. The Name, Kingdom, and Will come to us; Daily Bread is provided; Forgiveness rules; and we are delivered from the evil of our enemies. It is the Lord God who does this for us. So we believe, pray, relax, and enjoy Him forever.