198. God makes my way Perfect
2 Samuel 22:33 God is my strength and power: and he maketh my way perfect.
God is my strength and my power; He is God; He is able; He can do whatever needs to done for me. How do I know? He made a promise to make my way perfect. I know He can do it, and I know He will do it, for He said so.
Perfect means whole and complete as well as without flaws or mistakes. God has made me whole through the work of the Son and the Spirit. I am broken, fragmented, shattered, a mess, and a total wreck. But the Lord has picked up the pieces and put them together in the right way when He died and rose for me. He forgave my sins and gave me a new life. It is true that the cracks still show, but the Holy Spirit is working on me to patch up the cracks and smooth them out. The Spirit takes me to the school of experience and teaches me with His Word so effectively that I am in the process of becoming a whole person as God originally designed.
The Holy Spirit’s job is to make me holy and whole. First, He does this by declaring me to be wholly righteous through the blood of Christ. Second, He is continually in the process of making me closer and closer to the person He saved me to be. The Lord God is truly making my way perfect. Of course, it is true that I continually try to do it by myself by my own reason and strength, but all I do by “doing it myself” is impede the progress and growth of the Spirit on my soul.
What the Lord, the Spirit, is able to do without my help is make me a better person. What I am able to do by “helping” and doing it my way is slow down the progress of sanctification by the Spirit. It is hard to “let go and let God,” and “let God be God.” But thankfully, He does not give up on us. Even after many setbacks the Spirit relentlessly works on us to make our way perfect. He promises to finish the job, and He will. It is not our job to be creators, producers, makers, builders, changers, or gods. Our job is to be receivers, trusters, listeners, believers, and to be clay in the potter’s hands. Believe the promise: God will make your way perfect, but please be patient for, if you are still alive on earth, God is not finished with you yet.