Matthew 1:23 Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanel,which being interpreted is, God with us.
This Christmas Promise about the name given to the virgin-conceived child God-man Emmanuel, which means God with us. The promise of God coming to be with us into our history, on our earth, in our world, one of us, in our life is replete in the Scriptures and it comes true in the Incarnation story of Christmas.
Jesus, the Son of God became Son of Man, Emmanuel, God with us, so that He could take our place under Sin and grant righteousness instead, take our place under Judgment and grant salvation instead, and take our place under Death and grant life instead. This is the promise. This is what it means that God is “with us.”
He is one of us, and He promises to be near us always, even in us. Matthew begins his Gospel with this promise, “God with us.” He finishes his Gospel with the same promise: “Lo, I am with you always.” We are never alone; we are never in need; we never want; we never miss His Presence; we always have His Ear; we always have His help, a very help in time of need. Jesus Never Fails!