Human Response 54: Cast away what is not of the Promise

Genesis 21:14 And Abraham rose up early in the morning, and took bread, and a bottle of water, and gave it unto Hagar, putting it on her shoulder, and the child, and sent her away and she departed, and wandered in the wilderness of Beer-Sheba.

The strife between Sarah and Hagar, and between Isaac and Ishmael, was great, and Sarah said to Abraham, ”Cast out this bondwoman and her son.” This was grievous to Abraham, for Ishmael was still his son, although not the son of promise. However, God said to Abraham, ”Do not be grieved. Do as Sarah asks. For in Isaac will your seed be called. But I will also make a nation out of Ishmael.”

As grievous as this was, Abraham responded in obedience to God. In order to obey he had to believe God for two things: 1) Isaac carries the Covenant Promise, and it will be from his seed that the ”Saving Seed” will come; 2) and God will take care of Ishmael and make a nation of him as well. Trust in God’s Word is necessary to do the good and right thing.

We also are called upon to believe God and do the difficult, even grievous, thing. It is exceedingly hard to surrender to God’s will and give up something dear to me, something I did, or made, or achieved. After all, it’s mine, I did it, I worked for it. But God says: No, it is not of My promise, My will, or My kingdom. Give it up. Cast it away. Pray the Lord’s Prayer.

God gives us the faith to let go, to let it go from my hands into God’s good hands. If it is not of God, not of faith, or not of the kingdom, cast it away. ”Seek first the kingdom of God.”