1 Samuel 5:2 When the Philistines took the ark of God, they brought it into the house of Dagon, and set it by Dagon.
The Philistines had seized the Ark of the Covenant, which Israel had foolishly brought into battle. After the decisive defeat, the Philistines believed their chief god, Dagon, was superior. As a symbol of superiority, they placed the Ark in front of Dagon’s idol. Each nation had its own gods and chief god, and the stronger god won the battles.
Yahweh was mistakenly regarded as only Israel’s god, and just one god among many. But actually, Yahweh was the only true God, and all the others were actually demons, originally created by the One Creator. Yahweh turned out to be the greater, as the Dagon idol fell before the ark of god several times. And not only did that miracle demonstrate Yahweh’s superiority, but then the Philistine people were afflicted with tumors (emerods in KJV, possibly hemorrhoids)).
The lesson in this humorous story is clear enough: don’t doubt, mock, or challenge the One True God. The Lord, He is God, and there is no other. All other gods, demons, and idols will fall before God. And they all did when Jesus died on the cross and rose from the dead. Questioning or challenging God will always end in defeat. Submit to God and bow the knee willingly. Even Righteous Job had to learn the lesson the hard way. God is God, and I, the creature, the sinner, am in the wrong. Therefore, repent in dust and ashes. Receive God’s forgiveness and redemption in Christ. He is the true God, and His Strength is greater than our sin, unbelief, and the demonic gods that try to take us away from Life and from God. Our God always wins. Don’t fight it.