Human Response 801: The Heart Overflows with Praise

Psalm 45:1-2 My heart is inditing a good matter: i speak of the things which I have made touching the king: my tongue is the pen of a ready writer. Thou art fairer than the children of men: grace is poured into thy lips: therefore God has blessed thee forever.

The Psalmist is responding to the majesty and beauty of the chosen king of God’s people, probably David. He, as the Lord’s representative on earth, is powerful and majestic in glory. In praise and honor of the king, his heart is overflowing (inditing) with good things to think about and speak about concerning the king. God gave him beauty and grace forever.

This is also what we think about and believe about Jesus when we contemplate and worship the king of kings, Jesus Christ. We sing “Beautiful Savior” in our hearts to the Lord, for the heart is overflowing with good thoughts and pleasant reminders of the greatness and goodness of our King. The beauty of holiness is awesome to contemplate, and it is even more incredible to know that He shares His holy and beautiful life with us. Through Christ God sees a beautiful Bride adorned with the love and holiness of God. We respond to the awesome power and unconditional love of God with overflowing praise all day long.

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