Psalm 69:16 Hear me, O Lord, for thy lovingkindness is good: turn unto me according to the multitude of thy tender mercies.
David prays to be delivered from his enemies and be lifted up out of the miry pit. He trusts that the Lord will hear him and turn to him in his trouble. He knows the Lord will hear him because His lovingkindness is good and because of His mercies toward us.
He prays to and believes in the Lord and that He hears because He knows God and His character. His lovingkindness is good. Lovingkindness is a good translation of chested, steadfast love, the kind of goodness you can count on. And His tender mercies are manifold and ever present..
Jesus Christ is the tangible expression of the lovingkindness and tender mercies of God, and He fully reveals to us what God thinks of us. He is God in the flesh, and He is Love.