Psalm 8: The Glory and the Worth of Man

I Contemplate the created universe: to me it is so huge that it is beyond imagination; to God it so tiny that it is the work of his fingers. So how big is God? How small am I? Now I contemplate myself: who do I think I am that God could even pay attention? That’ s what natural revelation gets me. Now the special revelation: He made me just a little lower than God and gave me dominion.

Awesome God gives me worth and visits me with His Name: the Aaronic benediction “put my name upon the people;” and Holy Baptism “baptizing them in the name.” Now I contemplate myself: am I special or what? The weakest form of myself (babes and sucklings) has been given strength to destroy my enemies (still the enemy and the avenger). Sin, death and devil are destroyed, not by me for I am nothing, but by my Overcomer, Jesus, for he is everything; and here’s the good news: He cares.

How excellent is thy name in all the earth!

Psalm 7: A prayer to the Just Judge

False accusation is one of the most difficult pains of life a human being has to bear, partly because there is no real defense and partly because the accused cannot be certain there is no truth to the charges since no one can really know the thoughts and motives of his own heart. Only Jesus successfully experienced innocent suffering and death, in order to die for us; and He overcame by forgiving the human false accusers.

The Enemy, Satan the Accuser, is too subtle for us to maintain innocence on our own; therefore the accused appeals to the Just Judge of the universe and in this “high” court He renders the final verdict of guilt or innocence. He knows and tries the thoughts and motives of the heart and mind. Man’s only hope is to plead the blood of Jesus.

At the Cross judgment is final and eternal: the enemy, sin and guilt, is absolutely condemned while the accused person (whether rightly or wrongly) is eternally forgiven and declared righteous, saved to the uttermost. There is no just mercy without a just judgment: Sin is judged; Sinner is innocent. Thus God, the Just Judge overcomes the Enemy daily. “I will praise the Lord according to his righteousness.”

Psalm 6: A Prayer in Sickness

The last enemy to be destroyed is death. Death is definitively defeated by the bodily resurrection of Christ and absolutely destroyed (presence of death is forever removed) on the Last Day by the resurrection of all flesh; and blessed is he who has a part in His (first) resurrection by faith.

Meanwhile, between the two resurrections, we live in a daily struggle in the presence of life and death. Any sickness of body or soul is a reminder of and an anticipation of death. We may sometimes be completely healthy in body and soul, but there will also be times when we will be completely overwhelmed by pain and suffering in body and soul. The Psalmist describes such a time when his bones are vexed and his soul is sore vexed.

In this extremity the believer calls upon the mercies of God (the blood of  Jesus) to deliver him from his vexing enemy, death; the Lord has received his prayer and the Overcomer who lives within has turned back and sore vexed all his enemies.

Psalm 5: Morning Prayer for Protection

Every morning I direct my prayer to God and he hears me; every morning I come into the presence of God by the grace of Christ (come into your house for worship); every morning I rejoice in the Lord and shout for joy; every morning I ask for and receive God’s protection and blessing.

However, my enemies intrude into my day and seek to prevent me from enjoying the presence of God intervening with many distractions and temptations. When I live in His Presence He directs me on a straight path and blessing pursues me. My Savior will destroy these hindering enemies, but self examination is necessary for evil, deceitfulness, and rebellion also live within me as well as around me.

Therefore I repent and believe the gospel. All people without God are enemies in need of the Gospel; and everything within me without the Gospel is my enemy. Thus, in the morning I receive the Lord’s blessing and favor and protection like a full body shield.

Psalm 4: Evening Prayer for Victory

Things happen during any given day that cause stress and distress, for the enemies never take a day off. Physical and emotional stresses place us in a constricted mood so that at the end of the day we need to call on the Lord to give us space in order that we may find comfortable rest and refreshing peace. It may be the same nagging worries or it may be different anxieties every day.

The particular issue on this day is false accusations that have come from the Accuser, either directly to the mind or through the words and looks of other people. Either way, because of Jesus, the Spirit prompts me to affirm, “l know I have a God who loves me, he hears and he cares, he does me good, he puts gladness in my heart, and (I remember the Aaronic Benediction) he is smiling upon me. So shut up.” Then I lay me down in peace and sleep


Psalm 3: Morning Prayer for Victory

The first waking thoughts one may have in the morning are often of the problems he will be facing that new day. A positive thinker may see them as challenges or opportunities, but they are still troubles that come from the Enemy of Souls who tries to steal restful sleep at night and ruin the coming day.

The second thought, however, is that the the Lord sustained me and that Jesus is my protecting shield and Overcomer once again. Then the believer turns his attention away from his problems and gazes on the Lord. After his prayer he finds that the Lord has granted him victory, looked the enemies in the face and smashed them in the mouth.

The enemies lied and taunted, “There is no help for him in God.” But our Lord Jesus crushed their cheeks and broke their teeth so they couldn’t talk. Salvation belongs to the Lord and blessing is unto his people! Selah!

Morning prayer turns a potentially bad and depressing day into a great and glorious day. Turn your eyes upon Jesus; look full in his wonderful face. He is the lifter of my head.

Psalm 2: Thy Kingdom Come

Christmas and Epiphany is Jesus’ proclamation: “Okay, I’m coming to take over now. Repent and believe the Gospel.” The nations and peoples and kings and rulers have rebelled long enough now; God is setting up His Son as King over His good and kind and gentle and beneficent rule, realized at his first coming, finalized at his second.

The Enemy is pride, and lust for power and control; I want to control my little domain and sphere of influence by myself for myself (“my name be honored, my will be done, my kingdom come”). When a rebellious human believes in Jesus the Holy Spirit gently breaks stubborn self will, but it does come with resistance and a bit of wrenching violence like an iron rod breaking a potter’s vessel. But it is good for you.

“Serve the Lord with fear, rejoice with trembling, and kiss the Son.” In other words, repent and believe the Good News of the good king, worship Jesus, and submit to Christ as Lord. In doing so He conquers the enemies of sin, death and the devil. The end result in the final verse is blessing.

Psalm 1: Natural Consequences

A blessed and prosperous life follows as a natural consequence for those who center their lives on Jesus the Overcomer. A miserable and meaningless end comes to those who follow an ungodly way of life. Neither outcome is a reward for being good nor a punishment for being bad; it is simply the unavoidable result of living one way or the other.

The Enemy of life resides in the ungodly; the Friend of life died for the ungodly, lives in them, and brings about a change that results in good fruit and blessing. I am also an ungodly person influenced by the Enemy; therefore I repent daily and believe the Gospel. The gospel has the power to cause me to avoid the ungodly way of life and delight in the law of the Lord. The Law is the Torah, or Instruction, which is the Word of God, or Jesus.

The blessed person enjoys Jesus Christ and revels in his personal love and amazing grace. In this way He overcomes, lives His life in us, and we are delighted with a wonderful life.

The World, the Devil, and my own Sinful Flesh

Sin, Death and the Devil are the enemies of life. World, Demons and Flesh are the temptations that the enemies use to steal, kill and destroy.

The World: temptations that come at us from the outside. Distinguish the Biblical uses of the word world: on the one hand Jesus says, “God so loved the world;” that means the people in it. On the other hand 1 John says “Love not the world;” that means the world system. The world’s way of thinking is outside of God and hostile to God; it is not inherently evil, but it is thoroughly corrupted by the Enemy that we must be redeemed from it.

The Flesh: temptations that come at us from the inside. The Biblical definition of the word flesh is very slippery: simplistically it means the soul (the mind, will and emotions that make up the self), which is at enmity with God; it fights with God at every turn. The soul is not created evil (God loves it and so must we), but it is so thoroughly corrupted by the Enemy in the Fall that it must be crucified.

The Demons: temptations that come at us from inside and out; they mix with the world and the flesh to tempt, scare and afflict. They are sent and empowered by the Evil One, the Enemy of Souls; they are inherently evil and unredeemable.

This unholy triad of temptation must be overcome, yes, but it is better to overcome the Source, the trifold Enemy (sin, death, devil). Conquer by focusing on My Overcomer, Jesus.


Jesus Christ is My Overcomer

Jesus Christ is my overcomer. By faith I identify with Christ and I become an overcomer. We are “more than conquerors” through him who loved us. Our victorious Lord leads us from victory unto victory. Jesus has already purchased and won the overcoming victory and by grace through faith has given it to us. Therefore, we overcome our Enemies and victory belongs to us. Daily we repent and believe the Gospel.

Sin, Death and the Devil are the only three enemies that seek to harm us and diminish life. Their relentless and singular purpose is to steal, kill and destroy; but Jesus has come that we may have life and have it abundantly. Jesus restores the life that these enemies take away.

When Jesus says,”Love your enemies,” he is referring to human beings who are used as instruments by the real enemy (sin, death, devil). We must love, forgive, and pray for the people; but we must abhor, and not tolerate, sin and death and devil. Distinguish the source and the instrument and treat each according to God’s Word: loving and winning the people versus hating and overcoming the enemies.

Every one of the 150 Psalms refers to enemies and to the overcoming of the same. The purpose of this blog is to edify the reader by understanding how every Psalm shows Christ as my overcomer over every enemy of life.